Monday, June 23, 2008

Me from A to Z

All about me from A to Z.....

A)AttAcHeD Or SiNgLe? Attached

B)BeSt FrIeNd? my family, Shelley, Shauna

C)CaKe Or PiE? Cake!! Mmmm!

D)DaY Of ChOiCe? Saturday

E)EssEnTiAl ItEmS? Chap stick, camera, gum

F)FaVoRiTe CoLoRs? Pink and purple

G) GuMMy BeArS Or WoRmS? Worms

H)HoMeToWn? Born in Midvale, moved to West Jordan 12 years later, now back in Midvale

I)InDuLgEncE? Oreos and milk, string cheese, Dr. Pepper

J)JaNuArY Or JuLy? January

K)KiDs? Samson - almost four months

L) LiFe IsN't CoMpLeTe WiThOuT? Love and Family

M)MaRRiAge DaTe? November 3, 2006

N)NuMbEr Of BrOtHeR aNd SisTeRs? 2 brothers, 1 sister

O)OrAnGeS Or AppLeS? Apples

P)PhoBiAs Or FeArS? I HATE spiders and bugs

Q)QoUtE? "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

R)ReAsOn To SmILe? Scott, Samson, my nieces, the rest of my family, most of the time my dog if he's being good.

S) SuPeRMan Or WoNdEr WoMaN? Superman

T)TaG 5 PeOpLe I Tag? Jill, Nichole, Meredith, Kayleen, and Trudi

U)UnKnOwN FaCt aBoUt Me? My secret passion is to be on tv.

V)VeGGiEs? Potatoes and broccoli

W)WoRsT HaBBiT? Not cleaning up the kitchen after I eat and leaving the leftover food out to get yucky. (I did this with bean soup last week... It was NASTY!!!)

X)X-RaY Or UlTraSoUnd? Ultrasound

Y)YoUr FaVoRiTe FooD? Potatoes and gravy

Z)ZoDiaC SiGn? Leo


Christiansen's said...

I just had a huge scare, I thought I was pulling up your blog and it showed an ultrasound announcing it was a boy. I thought WHAT!!!! She is pregnant again and that far along that she knows what it is. Then I realized it was a different blog PHEW! With your secret passion do you just want like 15 minutes of fame on tv, or is it to be like a tv actress?

Kayleen said...

Hey Courtney. I'm lame, and don't know how to do this tag thing. Do I just copy and paste it to my blog, and change my answers???

Scott and Courtney said...

Kayleen - I just do the copy and paste thing. I don't know if there are other ways to do it, but that's what I do!! :)

Rebecca - Thank goodness it wasn't my blog that had the ultra sound!! I wouldn't mind being pregnant again, but I don't think I'm ready for another baby quite yet. We'll give it a couple years!! As for the tv thing, I don't really care, I just want to be on it!