Thursday, May 29, 2008

Super cute Abbie video

Hello to all!! I took this video of Abbie about a week and a half ago while we were at my parents for dinner. I tried to put it on my last post, but it took way too long, and I got impatient. So, I decided to try again today, and it worked!! While were we at my parents, we all went outside to enjoy the nice spring evening. Scott was showing Abbie the bugs that were on the sidewalk. She got a blade a of grass - yes, one blade - and was pushing the potato bugs back into the lawn with her blade of grass, telling them to go home. It was so cute, I just had to share it with everyone. I love that little girl!!! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I guess I should add 'or lack there of' to my title. We had a few days of nice spring weather, then we had a few days that felt like summer, now it feels like we're getting ready for winter again! It's been pretty crazy. Last week on one of the nice days, I packed a picnic, and picked up Scott from work and we went to the park for his lunch break. We found a nice shady spot under some trees, and spread out our blanket. Well, once we sat down, we realized that the lawn was pretty wet. We didn't think it was that bad, but it soaked right trough the blanket, and got our butts soaking wet!! It was pretty funny! It was nice to enjoy the nice day, though.

Things have been pretty normal around the Huish household. Scott's been working, and Samson and I hold the fort down at home. Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

My parents have a little wicker rocking chair for the grandkids at their house, and they have pictures of all the grandkids sitting in it. Sam is finally able to sit up in it long enough to get his picture taken. He even managed to smile for me!!

When we were at dinner at my parents on Sunday, Abbie put on Scott's "fip fops" and was walking around the house in them. Scott asked if he could wear her flip fops too, and this is how it turned out.

Grandma and her two youngest grandkids. What a wonderful Grandma she is!!

Samson was being cool and wearing mommy's sunglasses. They were huge on him, but he looked so darn cute!!

We got a toy bar at one of our showers (thanks mom and Arica) and Sam loves to lie under it and hit the toys. I added some link-a-doos so he could reach them better. When he was playing the other day, he had pulled a few of the link-a-doos off, and they happened to fall onto his wrist. He was so proud of himself. He looked so cute!!

While we were putting Sam to bed the other night, we were giving him some of his stuffed animals to play with. He just thought they were all to put in his mouth, but he looked so cute holding them, that we couldn't resist taking pictures.

Samson was so tired yesterday, and he fell asleep in his swing. It was a good thing we had him buckled in, otherwise I think he would have turned himself sideways and rolled right out!! I tried to move his head so that it was upright, but he was so relaxed that it would fall down to the side again.

Yesterday was Scott's brother, Brett's birthday. He turned 18 years old. Samson went to the party to wish him a happy birthday. Sam loves his uncle Brett!
Well, I hope you all enjoyed the new pictures. (I love my new camera!!) Until next time...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Marriage Tag

How long have you been married? Just over 18 months

How old is your spouse? 23

Who eats more? Usually Scott - unless it's potatoes and gravy!!!

Who said I love you first?
Scott wrote me a poem that had I love you in it, but I think I actually said it first

Who is taller? Scott

Who sings better?
We both sing pretty well, but I think Scott is better

Who is smarter?
I would have to say that Scott is

Who controls the T.V. remote?
I think we're pretty equal on this one. But if I had to choose, I'd have to say me.

Whose temper is worse?
Mine for sure

Who does the laundry? I do most of it, but Scott does his work clothes.

Who does the dishes? We both do, but Scott probably does it more often. I HATE doing dishes!!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're standing at the bottom, looking at the bed, Scott does.

Who cooks dinner? If we're not at one of our parents' house, I usually do, but Scott does sometimes.

Who is more stubborn?
I'm not sure on this one - we both can be pretty stubborn depending on the situation.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Scott - only because I'm never wrong!! j/k I don't know, we both do I guess.

Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine, but we try to keep it equal.

Who has more friends? We pretty much have the same friends.

Who has more siblings? I do.

Who wears the pants in the family? I think we're pretty equal.

I tag Jill, Rebecca, Meredith, and Nina

Friday, May 16, 2008

Congrats, Andy!!

Today my brother, Andy graduates from The Medical Collage of Wisconsin. He will officially become Dr. Ian Andrew Craven, M.D. today. We are so excited for him, and very proud of his accomplishments. This weekend, he and his girls, Jill and Eden will be moving to Omaha, Nebraska where Andy will be doing his residency in Emergency Medicine. They will be in Omaha for the next three years (I think, I don't remember for sure) and then they are planning on moving back to Utah. I hope that everything goes well for Andy on his graduation day. I wish I could be there, but alas, here I sit in Utah cheering him on from a distance. Great job, Andy - I mean Dr. Craven!! :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day and other random things

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!! I'm very excited to have celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mom today. Scott and Samson gave me a new digital camera for Mother's Day. Yippy!!! No more blurry pictures! :) So, I hope you're ready for lots of pictures. There are quite a few on this posting, and I'm sure there will be lots more to come!! I hope that all the moms had a great day, and I hope they know how much they are loved and appreciated!! Now for the pictures:

Some pictures of mommy's little guy. He's getting so big!!

Our little family at Grandma Annette's grave. It was the first time Sam had been, and it won't be the last!!

Me and my mom. Happy Mother's Day, mom. I love you!!!

Here are some random things that I wanted to share.

Scott and Samson fell asleep on the couch, and this is what they looked like. I love that Sam is copying daddy, and he doesn't even know it.

Here's a close up. I promise we didn't position him like that, he did it on his own. He looked so cute!!

This is a picture of us at our friends wedding. The lighting was not great, so I think that's why it's a little fuzzy. I hope you get the jist, though. Congrats, Jayden and Shelley!!

Our new camera has a feature on it so you can have good looking self portraits. This is what we got......

You be the judge!! I love you babe!! :)

I thought this picture of Abbie is so cute!! We wanted to get a picture of her in her pretty dress. She's been going through this stage where she pulls faces for pictures. She was trying to frown for the picture, but Scott got her to laugh, and he got a real smile out of her. What a pretty little girl she is!

Here is our cute little dog, Nabisco.

I don't know how well this video will come through on your computer. I was told that the last videos I posted didn't work very well. So, this is the first video we took on our new camera. We were watching a movie last night, and Nabisco fell asleep next to us, and started snoring quite loudly. I hope you can here it, you might have to turn up the sound a lot, but that is him snoring. We tried really hard not to laugh while we were recording, but we couldn't help it!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Any ideas...?

I absolutely love being a mom, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. When we found out that I was pregnant, we decided that I would quit my job after the baby was born. I've wanted nothing more in life than to be a mom. We thought after a couple of months, after I was into a good routine of taking care of Sam that I would get a job that I could do from home. As I've started looking into it, I've become very hesitant. All I keep hearing about are all the scams out there. A lot of the sites I've looked at swears that they're not a scam, but I'm still not sure. Does anyone know of a good work from home job that I could look into? I just don't know where to look. If anyone has any information or knows of anyone that works from home, please let me know!!! I need something that doesn't really have a set schedule that I can do whenever I get a chance. Please let me know if anyone has any info. Thanks!!!