Thursday, August 14, 2008


I know that you are all missing my posts, and so am I. I have a good reason for not blogging lately, though. Since we've moved, we don't have the internet. We got all set up to get a home phone and the internet last week, and we were suppose to be getting everything done yesterday. Well, the people at Qwest are stupid, and made a mistake. They added a second phone line for the people upstairs. So we didn't get our phone OR our internet set up. How dumb is that?! What's worse is that we won't be getting the internet until Monday!! I am not a happy camper about this, becuase I've been looking forward to updating my blog. So, here I am at my parents explaining my sticky situation. I hope you all understand, and that you'll forgive me! I hope to post some pictures soon!! Everyone keep your fingers crossed that everything will work out this time!! :)

Here is what Samson has to say:
nnnnnnnnn ubmn ,tr56f bm,vccccccvvvvvvvvm7 b vbcgfb8m ftbxyni
I have to say - I agree!!!!


BECKY said...

Hooray for a new post. Sorry for the frustrations. I look forward to new pics next week!

Hey, happy birthday this weekend babe!

Christiansen's said...

I HATE when I have internet problems, that is by far one of the most annoying things in the whole entire world.

Meredith said...

Do you remember the days when the internet was not merely a household item? So not the case anymore. Sheesh. If it's any consolation, I had a heck of a time with Qwest as well when we were getting our internet hooked up. Not fun.